Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Most Dangerous Side Effects Of Sheesha or Hukka.

SHEESHA a very common drug derived from Turkey spreading like fire in South Asia and ruinning the lives of younger generations! Its a poisionous drug with alchol added designed like a HUQQA to make it easy to infuse inside your body! SHEESHA has become a common feature in our Pakistani society! Our young generation is diving into this deadly posion! We can say its just like any harmful drug! Parents and young generation of Pakistan hardly know the side effects of this drug! Our young generation who are....

 addicted to it are suffering from mouth diseases and other harmeful effects have been diagnosed due to this intake of SHEESHA! it can also take one life as well! 
Sheesha or hukka smoking involves a water pipe that has a bowl, smoking chamber and hose. A special type of tobacca is burned inside the chamber and smoke rises through water in the bowl before it inhaled through the pipe. warns that the tobacco use in sheesha smoking is toxic. Sheesha smokers ma inhale more tobacco smoke than  from a cigratte because of a larger pipes used. Sheesha smoking brings on several side effects.

Addiction :-                                                                                                                                                       

As with cigarette smoking, shisha smoking carries the risk of addiction, leading to daily use. The Centers for

 Disease Control and Prevention underlines that shisha contains tobacco, nicotine and other chemicals that make 

it addictive. Nicotine reaches the brain in only about 10 seconds after inhalation. For this reason, addiction can 

occur after even a few sessions of smoking shisha. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms from stopping shisha 

smoking include irritation, fatigue, headaches, tingling and depression.


A misconception about shisha smoking is that it is less damaging to the body than cigarettes, because the 

tobacco is inhaled through water. However, explains that shisha smoke also contains tar, carbon 

monoxide, heavy metals and other toxic chemicals. These chemicals can be carcinogenic (cancer-causing) in the 

body. Shisha smoking may increase the risk of cancers, particularly of the lips, mouth, tongue, throat and lungs.

Asthma and illness:-                                                                                                                              

The heavy volume of smoke from shisha may also cause chemical irritation of the lungs, leading to or worsening 

allergy-induced asthma. Even in individuals who are not prone to asthma, the toxic chemicals in the smoke can 

irritate and inflame the lining of the nasal passages, mouth and throat and trigger allergic reactions by the immune 

system. The Singapore Health Promotion Board notes that, as with cigarette smoke, even secondhand shisha 

smoke can cause damaging effects in the body that may lead to disease.

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Saturday, 29 October 2011

Top 7 reasons Why do We Smoke Cigarettes?

Today we are discussing about an interesting topic, Which is about Smoking cigrattes. We will discuss that what are the reasons behind this that being knowing of the side effects of Smoking cigrattes, We happily smoke cigrattes. All of us knows that Smoking Ciggrates are the leading cause of cancer and death from cancer. It causes cancers of the lung, esophagus, larynx, mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas, stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia. Smoking also causes heart disease, stroke, aortic aneurysm (a balloon-like bulge in an artery in the chest),.. 
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), asthma, hip fractures, and cataracts. Smokers are at higher risk of developing pneumonia and other airway infections. But This is one of the first facts we discovered when we asked several hundred people, from all walks of life, why they liked to smoke cigarettes. Smoking is as much a psychological pleasure as it is a physiological satisfaction. As one of our respondents explained: "It is not the taste that counts. It's that sense of satisfaction you get from a cigarette that you can't get from anything else."

 1- Smoking Is Fun                                                                                                                                    

  This one is the leading cause of Smoking Cigrattes. None of us ever completely outgrows his childhood. We are constantly hunting for the carefree enjoyment we knew as children. As we grew older, we had to subordinate our pleasures to work and to the necessity for unceasing effort. Smoking, for many of us, then, became a substitute for our early habit of following the whims of the moment; it becomes a legitimate excuse for interrupting work and snatching a moment of pleasure. "You sometimes get tired of working intensely," said an accountant whom we interviewed, "and if you sit back for the length of a cigarette, you feel much fresher afterwards. It's a peculiar thing, but I wouldn't think of just sitting back without a cigarette. I guess a cigarette somehow gives me a good excuse."

2- Smoking Ciggrates Help us to Relax                                                                                            

This one is another cause Smoking Cigrattes. Many of us not only do not know how to relax, but do not take time to learn. Smoking helps us to relax because, like music, it is rhythmic. Smoking gives us a legitimate excuse to linger a little longer after meals, to stop work for a few minutes, to sit at home without doing anything that requires effort. Here is a nostalgic comment contributed by a strong defender of smoking: "After a long day's work, to get home and sit in a chair and stretch my legs 'way out, and then to sit back and just smoke a cigarette and think of nothing, just blow the smoke in the air - that's what I like to do when I've had a pretty tough day." The restful effect of moderate smoking explains why people working under great stress use more tobacco.

3- "Smoking Helps Me Think"                                                                                                             

Smoking cigrattes can help us in Thinking better. The mind can concentrate best when all outside stimuli have been excluded. Smoking literally provides a sort of "smoke screen" that helps to shut out distractions. This explains why many people who were interviewed reported that they cannot think or write without a cigarette. They argued that moderate smoking may even stimulate mental alertness. It gives us a focal point for our attention. It also gives our hands something to do; otherwise they might make us self-conscious and interfere with mental activity. On the other hand, our respondents admit that smoking too much may reduce their efficiency.

4- "I Blow My Troubles Away"                                                                                                                 

This is also the Main reason why we Smoke Cigrattes. In times of high tension, cigarettes provide relief, as indicated by the following typical comments of one of our respondents: "When I have a problem, and it comes back and back, warningly saying, 'Well, what are you going to do about this?' a cigarette almost acts like a consolation. Somehow it relieves the pressure on my chest. The feeling of relief is almost like what you feel in your chest after you have cried because something has hurt you very much or you have been flirt by someone. Relaxing is not the right kind of word for that feeling. It is like having been in a stuffy room for a long time and at last getting out for a deep breath of air." That man's explanation comes very close to stating the scientific reason why smoking brings relief. Worry, anxiety, depress us not only psychologically but also physiologically. When a person feels depressed, the rhythm of his breathing becomes upset. A short and shallow breath creates a heavy feeling in the chest. Smoking may relieve mental depression by forcing a rhythmic expansion of the breast and thus restoring the normal pace of breathing. The "weight on the chest" is removed. This connection between smoking and respiration accounts for the common expression, "Smoking helps us to let off steam." When we are enraged, we breathe heavily. Smoking makes us breath more steadily, and thus calms us down.

5- Smoking is A Package of Pleasure                                                                                               

A new pack of Cigrattes gives one a pleasant feeling. A full, firm pack in the hand signifies that one is provided for, and gives satisfaction, whereas an almost empty pack creates a feeling of want and gives a decidely unpleasant impression. The empty pack gives us a feeling of real frustration and deprivation. During the seventeenth century, religious leaders and statesmen in many countries condemned the use of tobacco. Smokers were excommunicated by the Church and some of them were actually condemned to death and executed. But the habit of smoking spread rapidly all over the world. The psychological pleasures derived proved much more powerful than religous, moral, and legal persuasions. As in the case of the prohibition experiment in the United States, repressive measures seem to have aroused a spirit of popular rebellion and helped to increase the use of tobacco. If we consider all the pleasure and advatnages provided, in a most democratic and international fashion, by this little white paper roll, we shall understand why it is difficult to destroy its power by means of warnings, threats, or preachings. This pleasure miracle has so much to offer that we can safely predict the cigarette is here to stay. Our psychological analysis is not intended as a eulogy of the habit of smoking, but rather as an objective report on why people smoke cigarettes. Perhaps this will seem more convincing if we reveal a personal secret: We ourselves do not smoke at all. We may be missing a great deal.

6- Cigarette Taste Has to Be Acquired                                                                                              

Most People like the  smell of tobacco but dislike the taste of a cigarette. Frequently we were reminded that "a cigarette never tastes as good as it smells. One usually very much dislikes his first cigarette. Taste for cigarettes must be acquired slowly. And whenever a smoker tries out a new brand, with a lightly different taste, he finds that he has to repeat this process of becoming accustomed to the taste. Often smokers who say they do not like the taste of certain brands really mean that they are not accustomed to it. Few advertisers of cigarettes realize that it takes time for a smoker to change his taste habits. No matter how pleasant the taste qualities of a brand may seem to be, at first the unaccustomed taste will be disliked. One of our respondents made the following interesting comment on this point: "I went to Bulgaria once and was forced to smoke Bulgarian cigarettes. I tried one brand after another till I had gone through five brands. Finally, the sixth brand seemed to be perfect. I discovered much later that any of the other brands might have become my preferred brand if only I had tried it in the sixth place. It just took me that long to learn to appreciate Bulgarian tobacco."

7- Smoking Memories                                                                                                                            

Certain moments  in our lives are closely linked with cigarettes. These situations often leave on people's memories an important imprint never to be forgotten. Here is such an occasion, described by an office clerk of twenty-one. "...I can remember the moments when I returned home - no matter how late - after having been out with a girl on a Saturday night. Before going to bed, I'd sit on the fire escape for a while and enjoy a smoke. I'd turn around so that I could see all the smoke going up. At the same time, the windows would be bright with lights on the other side of the courtyard. I would watch what the people were doing. I would sit, and watch, and think about what my girl and I had talked about and what a nice time we had had together. Then I'd throw the cigarette away and go to bed. I feel these were really the most contented moments in my life...." "I remember one time we were in North Africa on a trip and it was evening," said one of our respondents, a nurse about twenty=seven years of age. "During the day, I had noticed there was a lovely spot to sit, across the way from the hotel where we were staying. I went there at night, and sat looking at the stars and the tall cypresses illuminated against the night sky. I was far away in my thoughts. I was thinking of God and the beautiful world he had made. The smoke from my cigarette rose slowly into the sky. I was alone, and at the time I was a part of all the world around me...."

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Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Top 10 best Maintenance Tips for Laptops

Hy friends as you know its wish of every person to have a best laptop. But you should know that you can use laptop in better way if you act upon these Tips i am going to tell you. I m sure if you act upon my advices you can improve the Performace of your laptop.

Heat and contrast of temperatures are serious tests for your laptop. To save your laptops in the conditions of hot summer and to prevent loss of the valuable data, use my Tips....

10 Tips How Correctly to Use Notebooks

1. Try not to use the laptop as the games console.

The laptop � first of all the portable device, therefore, for a permanent work � use not so reasonably, for given jobs there is a stationary computer. Thus, if you ask me: "How to speed my computer up(notebook)?", I will respond: "the Laptop it the portable device, not used to permanent works...".

2. Be well informed concerning a safe range of temperatures for your notebook.

The majority of portable computers normally function in a range from 10�C to 35�C. Very high temperature can lead to malfunctions. Besides, high temperature damages the hard disk microgeometry, thus it cause failures and damages.

Girl and Laptop3. Give the chance to the laptop to adapt for changes of temperature conditions.

If you often move with the notebook from a cool home to the hot place necessarily switch off the laptop. Allow to the notebook to adapt for new temperature.

4. In the car for the notebook not a place.

Never leave the laptop in the car, including in a luggage carrier. The temperature in the car in a sunny day almost always above admissible norms for the notebook.

5. Avoid direct sun rays.

There is an opinion that the sun is capable to harm to the laptop display. Therefore it's better to show care, than be distressed about the spoilt screen. If you have to work under direct sun rays � the protective screen for the display is your choice.

6. Be afraid of high humidity.

Be careful, if is expected humidity above 80% (though your notebook can have special admissible norms of humidity of environment). High humidity of air can strengthen condensation in your notebook.

Girl and Notebook7. Carry out reserve copying of the data.

Execute reserve copying of the data stored in your laptop. I remind: the heat can lead to hard disk damages. Use an external (portable) hard disk.

8. Be ready to an unexpected rain.

Have near at hand an umbrella and a water-proof bag for the notebook.

9. Use the cooling gadget.

For certain you noticed how the laptop strongly heats up. Therefore use at least a usual support for the notebook, but is desirable � cooling gadget. If you wish to increase PC speed, it's insistently necessary for you to use cooling support.

10. Transport the laptop in a reliable bag.

For protection against a rain and for the purpose of decrease in condensation from sharp change of temperatures use bags with protection against a moisture (and also from blows).
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Skype is now Integrated with Facebook

Skype has informed about the new version of an IP-telephony and video calls for Windows. Also, the new Skype 5.0 will integrate with Facebook. Now, messages of Facebook will be imported to telephone directory of Skype users...

Skype + Facebook = SMS

Also users can update the status, make comments and mark the events directly from the client Skype, without passing to the Facebook page. Besides, Skype will allow to carry out calls and to send SMS messages to users Facebook.

All users, who updated the new Skype 5.0, will have an opportunity to take part in beta-testing of service of group video calls. For this purpose all participants should have last version of Skype.

Skype 5.0 for OS Windows

You can download skype 5.0 for your Window or Mac
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Top 10 Important tips for bloggers

As u all friends know that now a days blogging is the newer trend for making money online and it is very easy way to promote youself and your qualities infront of the whole world. Before making a blog you must know about these tips i m going to introduce. These tips and tricks will help you a lot in making your blog the best blog of the world and most entertaining blog. Also you can rank your blog higher in search engines like Google, Yahoo and many more. Furthermore u can also rank higher in Alexa through these tips and tricks. So its my humble advice to read my tips carefully and works on them so that your wish of best blogger come true.

1. Offer a subscription variant on E-mail.

Basically bloggers love RSS-subscriptions and forget about not advanced users, got used to subscribe by means of E-mail. If you do not wish to lose readers it is obligatory near to the subscription button on RSS place the subscription form on E-mail.

Users will choose a way which is more convenient. By the way, FeedBurner offers possibility of a free subscription on E-mail, the sin not to take advantage!

2. Give blog page under the description of technology RSS.

As the most part of your users, possibly, has no representation about technology RSS, it would be simply magnificent, if you have explained to them, that RSS from yourself represents, what pluses possesses etc.

3. Specify in possibility of commenting of publications of your blog.

The users not familiar with blogs, hardly guess that you have a commenting possibility. Therefore obviously call them for commenting, display number of comments to publications etc. In general, draw attention of users to commenting.

4. Explain to the users, that such a blog and difference of a blog from usual sites.

Many users do not know, that such a blog at all or simply do not know differences between a site and a blog. Explain them, that a blog � regularly updated site with possibility of a subscription to new publications and possibility of their commenting.

5. Create page �About itself�.

On this page tell about itself, and also about the blog. By the way, it is excellent a place where it is possible to place the information from point 4.

6. Avoid a professional slang.

Bloggers like to use quite often slangy phrases, not clear to the people who are not concerning web technologies. Talk to the users in clear all language, avoiding a professional slang.

7. Carefully select widgets for the blog.

There is a large quantity widgets which hardly will be useful to you. At a choice widgets be guided by abilities and requirements of the users.

8. Allocate navigation on a blog.

Many bloggers think, that all and without that it is clear how to move on their blogs, but they are mistaken. For users the type of navigation realised on tags can be not clear.

9. Know places of a congestion of your target audience.

Many bloggers use standard ways of attraction of an audience on the resources: commenting of other blogs, social networks, citing of thematic blogs, posting at forums.

If you work in sphere where users are far from blogs and other web knowledge these methods, quite possibly, can not work. In this case you should think over where your target audience gathers and to find a way to entice on the blog.

10. Involve target audience on thematic social resources for the purpose of the advancement.

The scheme very simple � from you is required to involve target audience not on the resource, and on social thematic sites where they can read only the best publications on their interesting theme and to vote for the liked.
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Samsung Galaxy S II The most thin smartphone in the World

 Hy friends today we are talking about World most thin smart phone. This is Samung Galaxy SII which we are going to discuss.Samsung Galaxy S II have a real small thickness: 8,49 mm. As is informed in the official press release, it's the most thin smartphone in the World. Galaxy S II will work under control of Google Android 2.3.

Samsung Galaxy S II

The novelty received the Dual Core processor with frequency of 1GHz. Productivity of the new processor twice above productivity of the processor used in the 1st generation of Galaxy S. Thus the graphic subsystem of new model exceeds index Galaxy S five times!

Galaxy S II is equipped with the display with a diagonal of 4,27 inches and resolution 800 x 480 pixels. First generation Galaxy S has the four-inch display with the same resolution.

I hope this is very interesting for you to have a knowledge about this amazing invention.
Comment and share if u like it thankx
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Saturday, 15 October 2011

Top 10 best ways to get keywords in your inbound linking text

Creating keyword rich content goes well beyond writing a few articles for your site.Search engine optimization is a discipline which can be used in every corner of your website, including inbound and outbound links. In this article we show you just how easy it is to boost your search engine rankings simply by building keyword rich links. To rank well in search engine results you need to score well on both �on the page� and �off the page� factors. On the page factors are about what is on your own pages............

 and therefore within your own control; off the page factors are the links from external websites to your own, and these are much more difficult to control.

Most external links will use your domain name to link to you, but if you can persuade them to link using keyword rich linking text (sometimes called anchor text), then you�ll get a significant search engine boost. You can also add backlinks to your site or blog through backlinks generator Click here to use backlink generator for free.
So while would be pleased with a link like, they would be even more pleased with a link like used books from AbeBooks because the linking text contains one of their important keywords, �used books�.
For many website managers and owners, getting an external link of any kind is achievement enough, without having to manage the even more difficult task of persuading an external website to link to you using specific keyword phrases of your choice.

So how do you get keyword rich inbound links?                              

Choosing product and publication names that contain keywords will; and there are other methods to use that, if you persist with them, will bring you many valuable links.
But before we list them, you need to do some preparation:

a. Start by choosing 5-10 of your most popular keywords that you�re going to use in your initial link building campaign.
b. Now write variations of the links that you�d like to use. For example to create the link 'used books from AbeBooks', I�d write the following html:
<a href="">used books from AbeBooks</a>
c. You�ll want to create a variety of inbound links using different variations of linking text.
There are simple steps you can take to start getting keyword rich links.

Easy ways to get keyword rich inbound links                                      

1) The easiest is of course from other websites that you control. You can interlink your sites if they are relevant, but don�t overdo it � stick to one or two links per site, not hundreds.
2) Another easy way is to ask friends and colleagues who control other websites. But the same rules apply � don�t overdo it.
3) Some people will recommend buying links. But, be careful: check that the links pass on link power as Google has all but 'disallowed' directory links.
4) Tell people how you�d like them to link to you. Write the html, make it available and ask people to copy and paste the code into their own web pages.
5) Write newsworthy press releases and use services such as to distribute them. For a small additional fee they will allow you to embed links into the body of your press release.
These in themselves are unlikely to pass on link power but people who read the press releases and then cover the story may do.

More difficult ways to get keyword rich inbound links                    

6) Build contacts and relationships within your industry. Be generous in linking to useful external resources and you�ll find that the people you link to take notice: your generosity will often be rewarded with links back to your own site. If you�ve built a good relationship, people will be glad to use the linking text you suggest.
7) Write and publish quality articles and blog posts on your own site. If people like your articles they�ll generally use the article�s title when they link to you, so make sure that you include important keywords in the titles of each article or post.
8) Quality news and information sites in your industry will often accept well written articles for publication. When they do, they�ll normally publish a signature box describing what you do and linking to your site in whatever way you specify. If you write well and deliver on your promises, editors will mark you down as reliable and you�ll have little problem getting your articles published in the future.
9) Look at people who are already linking to you (use Wordtracker's Link Builder tool). They�ve already shown their interest in you, so you have a good chance of getting them to link to specific content using keywords of your choice. 
10) Incorporate keywords into your publication or product names. For example, Wordtracker�s �Keyword Research Guide� contains �keyword research�.
We�ve suggested you start building keyword rich inbound links with 5-10 keywords, but once you�ve achieved some success you�ll want to expand on this. Furthermore, you�ll want to get creative in thinking of new ways you can get such links.
Have a quick scan of the 10 methods once again and notice how many of them depend on having good relationships within your industry. That really is the secret of success.
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Friday, 14 October 2011

How to Add Free Automatic Backlinks Generator to Your Blog And Website

Backlinks are the backbones of highly visible and well-ranked websites and blogs. A backlink generator is a resource that SEO professionals, individuals and businesses can use to systematically build free backlink after free backlink. Backlinks are links that connect websites and blogs to other websites and blogs.

By building backlinks, individuals and business owners will be giving their website and blogs a big boost on search engines.

In this post i will tell you how to add an Automatic Backlinks Generator in your Blog or website.

Add the code shown below in to your website or blog and you will continue to geting free Backlinks for your Blog or Website imediatly.

And remember not to change the code, if you do so the Automatic Backlinks Generator ma not work properly. 

Here is the Code:-

Copy And Paste This code to your Blog Or Website

<!-- Dont edit this code or it will not work --><a target="_blank" href="" title="Free Backlinks"><img border="0" alt="Free Backlinks" src="" /></a><!-- End>

By using this free auto backlink generator, individuals and businesses have seen an increase in page rank on various search engines. An increase in page rank usually leads to higher visibility and massive amounts of traffic to websites and blogs.
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Thursday, 13 October 2011

Amazing Ferrari Mobile Phone

This seemingly toy-ish Ferrari is in fact a cellphone. The dialing pad is located underneath the car where the axle should be. The idea is interesting.

So before you go spend $400,000 on a Ferrari, consider copping the car-shaped F1 Phone instead. It looks like an official �Rari phone, even if it is made by some questionable.....

 Chinese company who seems to be unfamiliar with these copyright laws we�re so crazy about.

When you look a little closer, though, you realise this phone is more than just a toy. For an entry level price of �96 you get a 2.2-inch touch-sensitive LCD display with 260k colours, a music player with equalizer, a video player, a video recorder, a 1.3-megapixel camera, a firewall for calls, a memory expansion slot, a USB connectivity�

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Arc Touch Mouse - A new Mouse from Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft is about to release a new mouse based on its BlueTrack advanced optics technology.

It's not official until Microsoft says it is, but the image below of the rumored Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse was just snagged off a German online store. Amazingly, the mouse arches its back for comfortable mousing before packing flat for easy transport. The mouse features touch-scrolling, a battery indicator,........

 the ability to track on most any surface, and a 2.4GHz nano transceiver that no doubt plugs into your laptop's USB port.

 Yours soon for �69.99 ($69.95 rumored)... right, �0.99 more than Apple's Magic Mouse or Magic Trackpad sells for in Germany. Ships in 5 to 10 business days according tonotebooksbilliger so expect this to get official real quick.

The mouse features touch-scrolling, a battery indicator, the ability to track on most any surface, and a 2.4GHz nano transceiver that no doubt plugs into your laptop�s USB port.
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Best 5 easy SEO tips to Get more Traffic from Google and others.

Hy Friends i think you dont know how much Traffic your Blog or website get from Google and other Search Engines. If you want to know check your  Google Analytics reports. I am thinking Google sends a fair amount of readers your way. The more Google-friendly your site is, then, the more likely it is that a link to one of your fabulous posts will catch a prospective reader's eye. Here are five things--painless, easy-to-do things--that every blogger should do to optimize her/his site for search engines (SEO)...

Think Like a Search Engine User.                                                                            

Think about how you use Google. When you're looking for information, a coupon code for example, you probably type in the name of the store and "coupon." Try this: open a new window in your browser and Google the words "Target coupon." What comes up? Were BOTH the words "Target" and "coupon" in the titles of the top few results?

The words you include in your post titles are important, since it's the top few results that get the most clicks. For example, if you're posting a coupon, make sure "coupon" is in the title as well as the name of the store, website or product the coupon is for. Keep the most important words near the front of your title rather than the end, if you can.

Use big words.                                                                                                         

Big as in type size, not syllables, that is. Look at your blog. Besides the header and post titles, what are the biggest titles you see. Sidebar titles? Headlines of another sort?

What do your "big words" say about your blog? Are you using any keywords, or are they kind of generic, like that "Labels" title I really need to work on in my sidebar? Make your sidebar titles work for you by crafting titles that inform the prospective reader about what helpful info can be found on your site.

Watch your language.                                                                                            

This may seem like a no brainer, but your posts should contain words that search engine users can use to find your blog. I like to use words like baby, coupon, frugal, free, etc. consciously in my posts. It makes sense to do that, since that's what I'm talking about anyway. Making a few of those keywords bold doesn't hurt, either. Just don't force it or go overboard.

Get your link out there.                                                                                          

You want lots of links coming from other sites to your blog. Authentic (non-spammy) links build your cred with Google. One way (okay, THEway) to get such links is by writing useful, creative, original posts that other bloggers will want to link to. You can also email your blogging buds and ask if they're interested in exchanging links or banners.

Blog often.                                                                                                                

Google likes frequent updates. Each time you post you create another fresh page with your url for Google to index. To Google, fresh content is more relevant than content from a site that hasn't been updated in six months.

See, I told you they were easy...
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